Healing, Protection, Everlasting life
From Genesis to Revelation, the Tree of Life stands firm and strong as a wonderful through line. It brings to us a great mental image and great expression of the fullness of God through Jesus Christ.
The Tree of Life is full of meaning of healing, protection, everlasting life, and abundance of God’s great love. The Tree of Life shows us harmony and togetherness with God through the image of roots, vines, branches, leaves, fruit and more.
The Tree of Life is represented in Jesus Christ. His life, death, and resurrection is the offering of healing, protection, and everlasting life. Jesus Christ is the promise, given to us by our Father God, seeded in the conveyance of Abraham’s personal heartfelt faith, which intently grew into blessings for his descendants, and the promise continued through to all the nations of the earth grafted in.
Jesus Christ, the branch of David, leads us from sin and death in Adam and Eve in the book of Genesis through to everlasting life as the way to healing of the nations in the book of Revelations.
The Vine
We, now being like trees with roots, branches, leaves and fruit are called by Jesus Christ to remain in Him who is the vine. He causes us to survive and thrive with the fruit of the Spirit. He invites us to this transformation.
In the Garden of Eden, where we so innocently once walked with God in His presence, and having access to the Tree of Life lived forever in peace with God, there we came to find ourselves in the midst of radical change- the regenerative plan of salvation through Jesus Christ.
And though distanced from the Tree of Life in the book of Genesis, we press on to what lies ahead, having access to this grace in which we stand- the bountiful grace of God- which blooms the Tree of Life. Be covered, eat, and be transformed by the Tree of Life that in revelation heals the nations.