19th Century
Seven delicate years in, and the 19th century was developing proudly. Puffed up- with a head crowned heavily with death and injustice in its formative years, it knew nothing of true freedom. Still fixed to stubbornness but the years grew wise in knowledge of what progress looks like. Injustice had a name, inequality grew shameful. A higher purpose was the calling. Visions of unity echoed out the mouths of babes.
The future had steam; the years had the momentum of industry. It pushed us forward come hell or high water.
20th Century
The 20th century had undercurrents of hope and change not fully realized but inevitable. We moved with the civil rights movement. It made us better, humanity became stronger.
21st Century
Information takes its place, the good and the destructive. Widespread and primed for manipulation, the 21st century has information technology fast and furious. Now, as we methodically advance through time, shaking in our knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs- what is our melody? Are we in tune?
The future has a sound. I hear it. It is intelligent beyond words. Beyond our imagination but of our imagination. The music is captivating. The drums are ominous, but the strings are soothing. The horns, harmonious. And the score is arranged for us to abstract the notes of who we are, and where we’re going.