Lighting a candle or building a small fire is a peaceful thing. It calms. It evokes a sentimentality. Could it be that it reminds us of a simpler life? That we connect to memories of small quite gatherings lit by the warmth of a fire- A time before the modern unnatural- at home with the quiet flicker of candles or a wood fire. A time of comfort in communion or in solitude.
Putting flame to dance for a moment, in the quiet of our presence, as it lights up the darkness, is akin to revelation. When we are revealed, we are actively in concert with lighting up the darkness in our immediate presence. This active belief is like our basic survival instinct, and it connects to what brings us peace. Without that which brings us peace, we are self-destructive.
Distant affixed memories of what brings us peace automatically resonate with us. Therefore, relax into that which brings peace and concurrently connect back to that light which brings us life.