We are created beings. Our desire for purpose and meaning in life is the result of being created with purpose and meaning. We exist for a finite purpose for which the world distracts. Our own established value systems hold us captive, hindering our purpose. We are driven by purpose, so when our purpose is hindered, we are not at peace. Our purpose is intrinsic, and as we move in it, in the flow of it, we are at peace.
We are creative beings. Our desire to create is to bring to fruition the purpose which we are created for. When our creative purpose is confused, opposed, stunted, we are not at peace.
But the world distracts, and the world confuses. And so, we struggle for our peace. Our systems of inputs and outputs are misguided and what we hold as valuable is skewed because of it. When our wants and needs are filtered through skewed senses, our purpose is entangled. The ultimate body, soul, mind attack is the entanglement of our purpose.
How do we disengage or emotionally detach from misguided systems to where our purpose is set free?