The search for knowledge in a wild or aggressive way is rooted in materialism. It is related to the physical therefore beyond man’s ravenous ambition for transcendence through knowledge. The wild search for knowledge is built of ego. And although the ego, in concept is metaphysical, it is bound by the soul and earthly in nature. Attempts at piercing the veil never was. The search for secret knowledge is ages old. A search for knowledge beyond the veil, out of one’s mind. It is the ego’s attempt to be more than special, more than gifted, more than graced, more than loved, more than…
Knowledge, however, is not a power grab. It is not to be usurped. Knowledge is given as wisdom and insight. It is graced and gifted through specific and special experience. It is given in love and should be received with patience.
The search for knowledge in a wild or aggressive way is forever carnal. Forever rabid for divine supremacy. Knowledge tempting to offer sovereignty beyond your wildest dreams. Gnosis. As foreboding as Icarus in flight. This wild knowledge calls from the abyss (outside the bounds). What then when you stare into the abyss, and the abyss stares into you?