Since 2020 I felt inspired to share from my own daily devotions, this opened doors for me which I am grateful for.
However, as part of my christian journey, there were high & low moments.
One of the doors open was caused by covid and my background in healthcare. My background in healthcare was deemed useful for working in a school, it opened after the summer holiday. During that academic year I covered 5 months leave, which went well (perhaps too well).
At the end of summer, a family member passed into heaven. The school year started with a challenge and so did the new year, with another family member in heaven.
Alongside this there were some learning, I did not know at the time but as months past it became obvious.
Further knowledge and understanding regarding my identity to do with my faith in God. That spilt into my soul for example being able to open up regarding talking late as a child and what impact that had on me growing up.
Growth which transient across my whole being as a person, to give another example of this growth is what is known as the fruit of the Spirit i.e., kindness.
Why I mentioned the above was my heart could have been bitter because there were other offences simply for standing up to what seemed right at the time; and the effects were awful.
Before it dawned on me the world needs kindness, and after made the connection to forgiveness (ref. our father prayer), something happened.
I need to stop! I have been writing and still writing which runs parallel to my everyday life. My eldest son age 16, finished yr 11th and will be at college. My middle son is doing well after some challenges, and my daughter going into year two will need me.
What I am saying, it is God’s kindness in disguise which has allowed me to see that it is time to pause, recalibrate for the new school year and enjoy our final year in the States.
Written by: Kerri-Ann Pradere-Johnson