Nothing has meaning
Nihilism- the undoing of belief, where belief is nothingness. It is the story of annihilation of the human spirit. The plot and ploy to instill nothingness– to determine that nothingness be willed in the heart of man. Life has no meaning or value (existential nihilism); there is no right or wrong, no good or evil (moral nihilism); all knowledge and beliefs are baseless (epistemological nihilism); reality does not exist (metaphysical nihilism).
Removing God
Modernity says there is no God, and the might of reasoning reigns supreme, and if wisdom is not found there, war is found where wisdom is not. Where modernity declared there is no God, postmodernity will have its nihilism, and you will have nihilism, detached from all relativity.
Attempting to remove beliefs, morals, ethics, knowledge and wisdom, of universal truth itself, is, in itself, to annihilate the innermost compass in humanity. To remove our resiliency. To disassociate our seeking souls and inquiring minds. Our inquiring minds are our sparks to remembrance of faculties inherent in us from before birth, prior to all experience. The creeping system of nihilism would have belief undone, to separate God out from the human psyche. God is in us and they want Him out.
Replacing God
See it now commonplace that belief in God is counted as stupidity, unintelligent, flouted as ignorant to the laws of science and the enlightenment of philosophy.
The intelligentsia is carved out elegantly, into a chasm. The intellectual and pseudointellectual alike have been cornered into eviscerating the inner compass that leads to conscious thought, for a pyramid scheme of rationale to disqualify God. Scaling the hierarchy to negate God, avoiding God in microscopes and telescopes, they find they are weighed down by their evolution. Because where nihilism is found, denial of the human spirit is found also. Nevertheless, nihilism, in all its futility, with its determined stare, has its trophied gaze upon us.