“For God has not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.”
2 Timothy 1:7

We embody a range of emotions. From joy, happiness, excitement and the like, to sadness, anger, fear and the like. It is important that we are able to live comfortably with these emotions- embracing the good and managing the bad in healthy ways.
In Control
Our emotions are natural and instinctive and are expressed in everyday life within different circumstances. Although there are many wonderful emotions that bring us great feelings, there are also many emotions that are destructive, cause us distress, and interfere with the harmony in our lives. Emotions like anger, jealousy, fear, sadness, anxiety, worry, contempt etc. are like chains of bondage that hold you captive and weigh you down, and you can be yanked around in any direction because you are not in control of these chains. Our number one priority in regard to our emotional well-being should be to control our emotions and not let our emotions control us. God directs us to be of sound mind, to be strong and courageous, and to not be a weak reed swayed by every breath of wind. We need to choose to not be yanked around by these negative emotions that can arise out of our daily life.
Sound Mind
Remember that God is with us when we stand against the causes of these negative emotions. As the gospels say, “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes” (Ephesians 6:11), also to “take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one” (Ephesians 6:16). In this life we live, no one is exempt from trials, and we are triggered by all sorts of negativity. However, we serve a God that fights for us and teaches us how to fight. Our God knows us through and through, He knows the battle we face everyday to stay on the right path. We are in His good Graces, we need only to look to Him. “Oh Lord, You have searched me and know me. You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off. You comprehend my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word on my tongue, But behold, O Lord, You know it altogether” (Psalms 139:1-4).
Start. Take steps to be more positive, optimistic, and hopeful. Always look on the bright side of things. Look for the sliver lining in difficult situations and always look for the positive attributes in people. Reduce your stress and manage it in healthy ways. Be resilient- when you get knocked down, get back up and try harder. Last but not least, always call on God for help, He will strengthen you.