Moving Forwards Praying I found myself saying the ‘Our Father Prayer’ not intending to. Interestingly saying ‘forgive us as we as we forgive those who sin against us…’ literally as I was saying these words, one by one thinking about each one them my conscience felt clear. I moved on in prayer ‘and lead us not into temptation’ in a second realising there could be a next time; for this reason the process is ongoing But first make the choice talking with Christ Jesus, the feelings will catch up. Moving on with prayer ‘But deliver us from evil’ meaning Christ protect us from dangers. Straight after I found myself saying ‘for thy rod and thy staff they comfort me’ an image came in my mind the shepherd and his rod with the curve head over the sheep neck gently pulling the sheep away from danger. Looking at the bible verse presently I see in the same verse ‘for thou art with me’, isn’t this marvelous? Moving on ‘for thine is the Kingdom the power and the glory forever and ever, Amen. Immediately I was able to think on how great my Lord is!
By Kerri-Ann