Be Proactive
We live in a world where disease is a part of life, directly and indirectly. Whether its chronic (noncommunicable) diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer- or infectious (communicable) disease caused by viruses, bacteria, or parasites- we should maintain an awareness of how to protect our bodies against disease. We need to be proactive in preventing disease by reducing our risk, increasing our healthy behaviors and eliminating unhealthy behaviors. Remember, God formed us and breathed life into us, making us a living soul with a purpose (Genesis 2:7). God needs us for His very divine purpose, so we need to respectfully take good care of our health.
Be Aware
There are many unhealthy behaviors that make our bodies more susceptible to disease including not getting regular checkups or knowing our health status, overeating junk foods or fatty foods, smoking, too much alcohol, avoiding physical activity, uncleanliness or improper hygiene, sexual promiscuity etc. We need to target these behaviors and change them. In addition, we need to be knowledgeable and equipped with the resources to do so.
Healthy behaviors are promoted in the word of God. Following these teachings encourages disease prevention. Notice that when we indulge in things that are not Christ like i.e greed, laziness, irresponsibility, drunkenness, or indulge in things that are known to be negative, it adversely affects our bodies. “fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.” Proverbs 3: 7-8
Start. First things first. Know the status of your health. See your health care provider for regular check-ups. Health screenings, exams, and laboratory tests are important in disease prevention because it can help find problems before they start or they can help find problems early when your chances of treatment and cure are better. Also, be aware of your body and pay attention when it’s not feeling well or not working properly. When something feels off or out of order, know how to counteract it with nutrients, vitamins/minerals, rest, medicine etc., and talk to your medical professional to learn what your body specifically needs according to your health status. Finally, gain knowledge and an understanding of disease statistics and how it relates to you in terms of your age, gender, and genetics. Awareness is important.