Electrical Currents
Electricity, current, frequency; flows through us and is all around us. Our brains and bodies busy with electrical activity, electrical signals running messages throughout. We are all very charged, and full of energy, and it’s all very stimulating inside and out.
The caution here is to be aware of interactions that agitate our internal states from normal; creating too much disturbance or excitement.
Think of the body’s excitatory potential and also of its inhibitory effects, and the body’s stabilizing functions. Our bodies are incredibly stabilizing.
Now think of the things that are conflicting and abnormal; things adversely impacting mood, inducing stress, or causing ineffectual activity, misfiring cells etc.- The things that are stimulating in a dreadful way. Think of the things in the environment that communicate with our internal environments with the potential to overwhelm our senses; the things causing out of control overactivity, and causing an overworked brain and body.
Our make-up functions properly without deficiencies and without disorder, with proper cellular communication. Deficiencies and disorders are divergent to our make-up. Therefore, eliminate deficiency and prevent disorder.
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The direction here is to outmaneuver the amplified frequencies increasing in nature for a more peaceful, quieter, brain and body- one that is active, but growing and developing in a healthy way. Circumvent the overexcitement of the day- day by day.