Symbolism Usage
It’s remarkable how images and symbols impress our minds. The implanting of an idea that elicits connection or relationship, with emotion, and the extent to which it subliminally echoes is astounding.
Symbolism is the use of symbols or images to represent and convey ideas and meanings. Symbolism is found everywhere and is used in a variety of ways. The most prevalent and pervasive use of symbolism is through the media, in entertainment: TV, Radio, Books, Newspapers, Magazines, Internet, etc. Symbolism can speak to our conscious mind or subversively speak to our subconscious mind. As such, symbolism can be used in both good and bad ways.
Symbolism Transmission
The transmission of an idea can be crude or well crafted; it can be obvious or inconspicuous, overt or hidden. But when an idea is well placed, it replicates, multiplies, spreads, “goes viral”. It starts in the mind with symbolisms that represent ideas. Like language, which is a system of symbols and signs, information is communicated, and our brains process the information that is transmitted. Transmitted symbols transform into thoughts and beliefs, which eventually drive our actions. What then, when symbolism is nefariously deployed through systems?
Symbolism Affect
The gears turn in our minds; our difference engines. We hope to intelligently determine wise steps to take in life and move forward in our free will; learning from mistakes, lamenting our perceived missteps, reassessing, making our corrections, moving forward, and always checking in with our hearts. What then, when our thoughts are not our own, but rather unnaturally elicited thoughts and responses that determine our form and function? What then, when we are maneuvered by the mechanics of abstract symbolisms used in violation of our willful minds? What then shall we say when we are where we are in spite of ourselves?