Isaiah 54:1-10
Numbers are verses
The word Barren is not necessarily without children, it can be barren in other areas of your life for example it may seem like one is not able to achieve, excel or be good at something in life like a job or school etc.
1) the word in my Holy Bible KJV says “didst” as if, it is in the past tends then it goes on to say break forth into singing.
Present tense Singing lightens the heart which gives room into what the Lord wants to do internally.
And cry aloud;- I heard that tears washes and purifies our soul (Don Potter).
The passage goes on to the word desolate, I believe it is saying there are others like you and I.
2) In this verse it encourages us to enlarge the place of thy tent. Again I believe that place is an internal space (inside you and I). I see that the Lord has made that space internal already with our tears.
The word stretch in this context could mean a step of faith once the above has been done. Just had a thought about the woman who Elisha told to go borrow vessels for oil 2 Kings 4:3.
3) Then comes the promises for thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left (in other words big) Now it talks about seed, could this be from what now arises from the inside! It goes on -”and make the desolate cities to be inhabited”, in other words go be a blessing. In addition to that I see multiplication; things multipling.
4) Fear not for “we shall not be ashamed, neither confounded”. I looked up the word confound, with the meaning in mind it is saying we will not be troubled. The passage goes further we will not remember the past (youth) and also not be lonely again (widowhood)
5) For God is our husband (the church the bride) meaning he will take care of us. He is the God of the whole world too; take a leap of faith and come to him.
6) “For he had called thee…and a wife of her youth, when thou wast refused, saith thy God”. I find this interesting but before racing ahead of myself is there someone or something else in your life like an idol? If so this has consequences. And I see Jesus is inviting you in.
7) The Lord was great in mercies in…. with everlasting kindness and He redeems.
10) My (His) kindness shall not depart from us neither shall his covenant of peace be removed.
By Kerri-Ann