Active Belief + Active Resonance = Peace

“And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:14-17 

Active Resonance

Peace is an effect. It is the result of the quality of confidence you have in your state of being.  It is of a resounding harmony. It reverberates against disorder and chaos. Peace is an active resonance in your mind and body that is as close to the nature of absolute truth as can possibly be.

There is an infinite amount of chaos or molecular randomness that resides constantly in the environment.  But even chaos is governed by underlying patterns of ordered molecular motion. So, the momentum going forward is always and forever truth, order, and light, irrespective of the seeming unpredictability of chaos.

To the divergent force associated with chaos, the mental energy that resounds as peace is its antithesis.

Active Belief

The activity of consciousness remain deep and full, as it actively opposes lack and soaks up information– nature abhors a vacuum. The choices are substantial, otherworldly and earthly, and the integrity of consciousness clings to whatever brings peace.  But peace has a noticeable pattern of wisdom and understanding that is both innate and self-evident because what brings us peace directly impacts our quality of life. 

For every human being and their belief system, there is free will, human activity, opposing forces, and choice.  From there, whatever brings peace will surface.  By cause and effect the truth of that which brings pure, unadulterated peace is evident to each and every individual.

The Fear/Belief Dichotomy

“But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.”‭James‬ ‭3:17-18‬ ‭

Exacerbating Feedback

The  world has a knack for feeding fears, and even at the heights of civilization, the world still devolves to meet our fear mechanism. As the world positions, engineers, and ensnares in an assault on our sympathetic response, it configures and inputs a type of ordered chaos and outputs an unstable feedback loop.  And one small disturbance in our internal or external environment- exacerbates.  One seemingly ineffectual but exacerbating feedback building upon another if the internal system does not value a steady state.

Balancing feedback

Without a competitive balancing feedback– without a system that is extremely sensitive to counteract each and every rudimentarily deployed fear tactic; without a neutralizing, stabilizing, negating effect in response to this overstimulated world which knows it has found its technological sweet spot; without an active program for peace in our internal environment which extends outward- we are outmaneuvered into an onslaught of misleading fear.

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 

The Electrically Excitable Brain & Body

“So prepare your minds for action and exercise self-control. Put all your hope in the gracious salvation that will come to you when Jesus Christ is revealed to the world.” 1 Peter 1:13 

Electrical Currents

Electricity, current, frequency; flows through us and is all around us.  Our brains and bodies busy with electrical activity, electrical signals running messages throughout.  We are all very charged, and full of energy, and it’s all very stimulating inside and out. 

The caution here is to be aware of interactions that agitate our internal states from normal; creating too much disturbance or excitement. 


Think of the body’s excitatory potential and also of its inhibitory effects, and the body’s stabilizing functions. Our bodies are incredibly stabilizing. 

Now think of the things that are conflicting and abnormal; things adversely impacting mood, inducing stress, or causing ineffectual activity, misfiring cells etc.- The things that are stimulating in a dreadful way.  Think of the things in the environment that communicate with our internal environments with the potential to overwhelm our senses; the things causing out of control overactivity, and causing an overworked brain and body.

Our make-up functions properly without deficiencies and without disorder, with proper cellular communication. Deficiencies and disorders are divergent to our make-up.  Therefore, eliminate deficiency and prevent disorder. 

Back to Normal

The direction here is to outmaneuver the amplified frequencies increasing in nature for a more peaceful, quieter, brain and body- one that is active, but growing and developing in a healthy way.  Circumvent the overexcitement of the day- day by day.

The Beautiful Quality of Homeostasis

 “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.” John 14:27

Maintain Peace, Resist Change

Your body’s constant is to seek to maintain homeostasis.  It self-regulates to survive, keeping the balance between the body and environment.  Your body’s built-in goal is to maintain optimal functioning by regulating responses to internal and external stimuli to benefit your health.  The body’s Soul purpose resists anything that interferers with its divine order.  That is the fight.  Your body’s delegation and mandate is to resist the world and its exacerbating influence.  

How do you support the harmony your body so dutifully calls for? Are you actively bringing peace into your environment? Are you counteracting harmful influences and negating chaotic effects?  Are you prioritizing your physical health, mental health, and spiritual health? 

Natural sense for peace

The external environment offers stimuli that may or may not be to your benefit. Sensory stimuli for visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, and somatosensory systems, all introduce change to your body.  And it is your body’s gift of duty or divine order to measure these changes to your benefit. 

Your state of being is naturally opposed to harmful changes. Your body naturally reacts to stimulus in healthy ways under healthy conditions.  In a way, this is a sense for peace in your internal environment.  

In a world of wildly swinging pendulums, where people are attracted to extremes, it is good to know and understand that at least your body fights against harmful effects for balance and stability. It is good to know and understand that your very being seeks peace. 

Influence in the World- the Heart and the Mind

“Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.” John 14:27‬

Influence by Bondage

The cycle of influence by bondage in the world, is like the ouroboros- the serpent eating its own tail. The cycle is persistent, and the effect is perpetual suffering because the course is cyclical.  There is no escape from man made constructs that determine influence, and there is no escape from the negative elements that hold sway. This is societal torment. This is in opposition to love. This is the control of the mind which is predisposed to imbalance.

Peace of Mind & Heart

Now the heart you’ll find uncompromising.  It beats steadfast with life purpose. The heart is less ruled or controlled and less volatile. It is independent. You can hold peace in the heart.

The heart is central and fundamental. It is fearless in its duties, promoting life and love. Unswayed, but the heart is vulnerable to attack if unprotected. 

So, protect the heart you must. There is a battle in this world for each and every person. The conflict between the heart and the mind.

Battle for Heart & Mind

As influence looms to besiege the heart’s independence, it employs to make the heart sick. It works to harden the heart. To eject all peace and instill fear.

It is your right to push back against the persistent cycle of influence in the world. To connect back to Truth and its freedom.  Question everything, hear, then feel with your heart. Cause your own independent, personal awareness. Hone what you believe. Connect to what brings you peace. 

Memories in Candlelight

“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth)” Ephesians 5:8-9

Lighting a candle or building a small fire is a peaceful thing. It calms. It evokes a sentimentality.  Could it be that it reminds us of a simpler life?  That we connect to memories of small quite gatherings lit by the warmth of a fire- A time before the modern unnatural- at home with the quiet flicker of candles or a wood fire. A time of comfort in communion or in solitude.

Putting flame to dance for a moment, in the quiet of our presence, as it lights up the darkness, is akin to revelation.  When we are revealed, we are actively in concert with lighting up the darkness in our immediate presence.  This active belief is like our basic survival instinct, and it connects to what brings us peace. Without that which brings us peace, we are self-destructive.

Distant affixed memories of what brings us peace automatically resonate with us. Therefore, relax into that which brings peace and concurrently connect back to that light which brings us life.

Free Your Purpose

“For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” 2 Corinthians‬ ‭3:17‬ ‭

We are created beings.  Our desire for purpose and meaning in life is the result of being created with purpose and meaning.  We exist for a finite purpose for which the world distracts.  Our own established value systems hold us captive, hindering our purpose.  We are driven by purpose, so when our purpose is hindered, we are not at peace.  Our purpose is intrinsic, and as we move in it, in the flow of it, we are at peace.

We are creative beings.  Our desire to create is to bring to fruition the purpose which we are created for.  When our creative purpose is confused, opposed, stunted, we are not at peace. 

But the world distracts, and the world confuses.  And so, we struggle for our peace.  Our systems of inputs and outputs are misguided and what we hold as valuable is skewed because of it.  When our wants and needs are filtered through skewed senses, our purpose is entangled. The ultimate body, soul, mind attack is the entanglement of our purpose.  

How do we disengage or emotionally detach from misguided systems to where our purpose is set free?