Third Camping Trip: Elk Neck State Park, North East MD.
The day was perfect, not too hot or cold. The family even went for a swim, the children splashed and had fun.
The day continued to pass, soon we ate and washed up, time for bed.
It began to rain, the children fell a sleep, soon after I retired to bed. I drifted in and out of light sleep. My husband eventually retired to bed. I tried to drift off to sleep but could not because of the heavy patter of rain drops. I closed my eyes, my husband managed to sleep a bit but awoke after sometime; both of us awake. As I open my eyes I realised he had fallen back to sleep. I on the other hand noticed the sound of the wind with the heavy rain drops batter the canvas of the caravan so began to talk with my Lord until it was nearly day break.
There are two faith points I see. First point- the scripture says Psalms 91:1 “he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide…” What does it mean? I read a commentary that said we as Christians are not visitors to the secret place. Talking with my mother, she hit the nail on the head, we are meant to live there! How does this come about? By making a choice to stay there, making our minds up to stay there! Back to the caravan I stayed inside it. What if I had gone out, something bad more likely could have happened. I stayed inside where it was safe, although I was hearing the noises.
The following day late afternoon my daughter and I went back to the Elk River where it feeds into the sea. We went to the spot where the day before we had sat on a log in the sand; this time the water had risen closer to land. My daughter automatically bent her knees and stooped playing in the sand. I looked across the water, it has beautiful landscaping, brought my eyes back to the shore when I spotted the head of what looks like a turtle. Looking to see its shell, as it was swimming across the top of the water when I realised it was a snake. I quickly bent and pick my daughter up to show her the snake. By the time I did that and look the snake was in front of us, across in the water. It looked as if, it was about to turn it’s head to look when we basically had our feet in our hands.
The second point of faith. My family and I were at the same spot the day before. It was scenic, no obvious harm or danger but I know that there are snakes in Maryland. Not because I don’t see them, it does not mean they do not exist. I also know my Lord protects my family because I am dwelling in the secret place of the Most high.
When we stay under the Lord’s umbrella then we are protected automatically and His promises fall into place.
By Kerri-Ann